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Elite Business Success Group

What are the Elite Business Success Groups that are organized and led by SpearPoint Solutions Founder Bob Sager?

Part Goal Achievement Instruction

Finally, hit your true potential through using Bob’s proprietary Goal Achievement Process.

Developed and refined over many years of experiencing what does and does not work in goal achievement, following this process will expand your vision of what is possible – for YOU – and will unleash the incredible potential that, for many, isn’t even close to being fully realized.

I got SO much out of Bob’s group! I grew so much in my business, my goals and defining my company. It was truly amazing! The structure and the activities make it worth WAY more than the time and money invested.

– Ryan Nicley, Owner of SimpleTech

Ready to take your success to its highest level?

Part Mastermind Group

“None of us is as smart as all of us.” – Ken Blanchard

Structured for the modern economy, rather than having a rigid schedule of meetings we set up a private members-only chat for each Elite Business Success Group cohort where we provide feedback, ideas and encouragement.

During the eight module training we also have four video conferences to deepen relationships through live interaction.

An important aspect of being part of a Mastermind Group is the accountability to the other members. There is something magical that happens when you know you will be reporting results to someone besides yourself.

Listen to this feedback from Elite Travel Coach, Robert Maisel.

Ready to take your success to its highest level?

Part Purposeful Creative Thinking Masterclass

“Ideas are the new currency.” – James Altucher

In the age of Artificial Intelligence, the people who thrive will be those who have uniquely human skills.

In the eight modules of the Elite Business Success Group you will learn how to use proven creative thinking processes that will help you create better ideas on-demand.

Working together on ideas that will benefit each participant, you will find using these methods will help you be far more productive. Importantly, you will also have a lot of fun doing it!

Actual Results!

Listen to an excerpt from a previous Elite Business Success Group where Bob and members of the cohort are reviewing ideas they had come up with for a fellow member who ran a wine selling business.

The method used here is called Anchor Term.


Ready to take your success to its highest level?

Participating in the Business Success Group helped me break through barriers and gain clarity on my business.

I discovered ways to bring creativity to my work. The insight and the quality of the other participants made it an amazing experience.

– Lori Knudsen, Founder of Knowbility Consulting

Knowbility Consulting 

I highly recommend Bob’s program!

Thinking creatively is the bedrock of staying ahead of the competition and this program directly helps.

It’s fun, has no stress and you spend time with great people. I’ve found it leaves a lasting impact and am seeing more opportunities because of the experience.

– Adam Rosensweig, COO and EQ Trainer at RR&D, Inc. and Creator of the H.I.P. Emotional Intelligence Program

Bob Sager’s Business Success Mastermind Course is probably the best business move I have ever made. Simply empowering!

His weekly assignments make us think and pullout some of our greatest potential. I learned so many strategic ways to help me see and think about how my business can continue to grow and succeed.

I highly recommend taking this course!

– Shoshana Schmell, Co-Owner, Spotlight Staging and Design

Ready to take your success to its highest level?

Part Strategy & Tactics Development

Ideas can drive strategy and tactics and vice versa.

Each has a role to play in order for a company to remain on the leading edge.

In the eight modules of the Elite Business Success Group you will learn how to develop strategies and tactics that work.

Ready to take your success to its highest level?

Ready to take your success to its highest level?