AI Prompt Skill-Building Webinar

You have not attended a webinar like this one before. Paul Carney, a recognized AI thought leader, shows you how to structure and build your AI prompts so that you get better results.

He and his team at Perpeta™ have created a system that allows you to build, store, and organize the building blocks of your AI prompts:

– Snippets

– Profiles

– Templates

When you register for this webinar, you don’t just get a 60-minute discussion on building better AI prompts.

You get:

  • A one year subscription to Perpeta Premium Membership (a $199 value)
  • A pre-built library of snippets, profiles, and templates based on information you provide before the webinar
  • An actual hands-on walk through of using Perpeta with your data to build awesome prompts

Doesn’t that sound incredible?

You leave the webinar with more than a slide deck – you will have a library of building blocks to continue building awesome prompts.

All That For Only $299!

Enroll Now

Perpeta™ helps you make, store, and organize your AI prompts.

But even better, we help you break your ideas into building blocks that you can reuse across many prompts.

Well-Crafted Prompts Produce Better Results

An AI prompt is a structured query or instruction given to a generative AI (GenAI) system, guiding it to produce specific outcomes or information tailored to your needs. An effective prompt typically consists of several key components, including:

  • A clear and concise question or command
  • Relevant context or background information
  • Specific criteria or parameters for the desired output
  • Examples or expected formats to guide the AI’s responses

Constructing a better prompt is both art and science.

The precision and detail of your input directly influences the accuracy, relevance, and usefulness of the AI’s output.

By meticulously specifying what you need, you help the AI understand and interpret your request correctly, reducing ambiguity and increasing the likelihood of receiving a response that meets your expectations.

This targeted approach helps you achieve optimal results and maximize the efficiency and applicability of AI in your everyday tasks and complex problem-solving scenarios.

And the only way to get better at creating powerful prompts is to practice, learn, and refine.

Snippets: Building Blocks of Great Prompts

Snippets are the essential components of your prompts. They include aspects like tone, output format, specific instructions, and examples that guide the GenAI in generating the desired output.

For instance, if you’re asking for advice on how to handle a specific situation, specifying a tone (informative, friendly), output format (list, detailed description), and including context (like how you have handled situations previously or your relationship with the persons involved), can shape the GenAI’s response to better fit your needs.

Being clear and concise in your snippets helps the GenAI understand the context and deliver more accurate responses.

Profiles: Tailoring GenAI Responses

Creating a profile for each person involved in your GenAI interactions can dramatically enhance the GenAI’s effectiveness.

This profile might include the person’s age, interests, dietary restrictions, or any relevant details that impact the type of content you need generated.

For example, if you’re planning activities for children, their ages and interests will influence the suggestions for suitable activities. Embedding this profile information into your prompts helps the GenAI tailor its responses to each individual’s specific context.

Templates: Streamlining Your Prompts

A template is a reusable framework that you can apply each time you interact with GenAI.

This might look like a structured outline where you fill in specific variables based on your current needs.

For example, a template for meal planning could include slots for the number of meals, dietary preferences, and preferred meal types.

Having a template not only saves time but also ensures consistency in the quality and relevance of GenAI-generated content across different sessions.

In only one minute, Perpeta Founder Paul Carney lays out what makes the Perpeta platform unique – and better.


Be sure to watch the full interview with Paul below.

Learn more about Perpeta Founder Paul Carney as well as what makes the Perpeta platform unique by watching this short interview.