Define the Objective, then Deploy the Resources to Achieve It
When I take up pencil and paper to begin outlining an article or story or ad copy, my thoughts often drift toward patterns or themes. As I flush out a concept there is a tendency to settle on a series of phrases that sound alike or words that start with the same prefix.
This article theme came to me while cutting back brush, limbs and fallen trees along the edges of hay fields and open pastureland in preparation for mowing of the spring hay crop.
After a couple of days, I became annoyed at how much cutting and clearing was being required but remained determined to get the workload completed before the mowing crews arrived at my farm.
As I worked, I thought about how the overall process I was in the middle of applies to most any type of job or business. No matter the profession or position, we must remain steadfast and determined to complete our tasks and not be deterred by the volume of work in front of us, nor any issues or obstacles that we may confront as we persevere.
Thus, was initiated the theme of words beginning with the letters ‘DE’ – a Latin prefix indicating privation, removal, separation, negation, descent, reversal, departure, or intensity of action. So let us begin.
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DEFINE the Objective
In my case, the objective was to get any brush or trees cleared from the hay fields before we started mowing. This was not a necessity, but for every six to eight feet of grass around the field that cannot be mowed, we lose at least one large round bale of hay. Seasons after season, the uncleared areas had added up and only become more of a frustration and a loss.
So how does this apply to other businesses? Over the years most companies allow clutter and disorganization to slowly build up, whether in its administrative, sales or production segments. This hinders efficiency and productivity, potentially having a directly negative effect on the bottom line.
Solution: Clear the brush and make the path clear for a smoother operation.
DECLARE the Result to be Achieved
My objective was to remove as much debris as possible from areas to be mowed in a period of time that was not possible to extend. Nothing arbitrary or questionable about the desired end result, just a matter of putting my head down and working. As to the situations referenced above that a company may encounter, the effective result may not need to be as immediate or time sensitive. However, the best way to ensure the problem does not remain at the status quo, or worse continue to grow and more negatively impact
operations, is to begin attacking the problem slowly but surely, thereby reducing the problem over time.
Solution: Take the First Step to Achieve Your Results, Then Keep Moving
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DEVELOP a Plan of Action
I had looked over the fields and pastures for days, so I knew the worst areas in each that needed clearing. But moving from one field or pasture to another, or even one side to another, would be totally inefficient and time-consuming. Therefore, I decided on the order in which I would attack the problem and simply got started. Whether I finished all the fields or pastures before mowing started was not the issue – the issue was making steady progress and completing one
location at a time.
Use the same approach when it comes to problems in your company. Whether they be related to disgruntled personnel, low morale, inefficiencies in production, stagnation in sales or market growth, or disjointed management, identifying the problem(s) is the first step. Then break them down into segments to be more easily confronted and attacked.
Solution: Decide on a plan of action and simply get started.
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DEPLOY the Proper Tools or Resources
Well, this was the easiest (yet hardest) part of the tasks confronting me – all I needed was a sharp axe, plenty of sharpened chains for the chain saws, cans of fuel, lots of hydration fluids, and a (hopefully) strong back. I assembled the list of items (the strong back remains questionable), along with a couple of extra guys to help if possible, and we accomplished a large part of the job.
I experienced this same approach when helping one of my long-term clients on some of their larger special events projects. Gathering the needed equipment, identifying what team members were responsible for what tasks, creating a timeline for implementation, then double-checking every detail before heading out, ensured the project was executed flawlessly – and profitably. This also decreases the chance of failure by hopefully removing any obstacles…foreseen or surprising.
Solution: Spend the required time getting the tools, resources, or manpower ready beforehand, and you’ll spend less time doing the work.
DELIGHT in the Outcome
As I write this the hay is starting to be mowed. I did not get all the areas cleared that had been identified – not even half of them. But the fields that were cleared look much better, and I now have three to four months before cutting of the fall hay crop, so the job will continue.
This is the hoped-for result of a well-planned and well-executed operation, be it for a small farm, a service-oriented business, or a large manufacturing facility. Whether a one-time project that is a total success, or small steps of incremental progress over a longer period, learn from both the miscues and the achievements, and keep moving forward.
Solution: Take pleasure and satisfaction in what is achieved, always realizing that tomorrow is another day.

Dwight O. Chandler owns Chandler Marketing Group, is the organizing director of the ‘Every Person A Winner’ coaching and publishing program. He is a LevelNext mentor, an artist, author and lives on the farmland that has been in his family’s lineage since 1797.
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Header Image Credit: Pixabay. Find it here.
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