The Value of Consistent Leadership Judgment in the Age of Social Media

In an era defined by the rapid dissemination of information and the powerful influence of social media, the dynamics of leadership have taken on a new dimension. Those in positions of authority and power, particularly those receiving substantial compensation, are not only responsible for making critical decisions but also for maintaining a consistent and principled stance.

The adage, “You are being paid to exercise judgment,” resonates more profoundly than ever, emphasizing the importance of unwavering leadership in the face of the ever-changing tides of public opinion.


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Leadership is not just about making decisions; it’s about making the right decisions with conviction and a clear understanding of the consequences. Organizations entrust their leaders with the responsibility of steering the ship through uncharted waters, relying on their judgment to navigate complexities and uncertainties. This judgment is honed over years of experience, learning, and careful analysis. However, the advent of social media has introduced a potential disruptor to this process – the rapid and often capricious court of public opinion.

Leaders are now faced with a dilemma: to stand firm by their initial decisions or to bow to the pressure of trending hashtags and viral posts. The latter, though it might offer a fleeting moment of respite from online backlash, often leads to a loss of credibility in the long run. This is where the axiom finds its relevance – leadership involves making difficult choices and maintaining a consistent course, regardless of the noise around. Changing a decision based on social media reaction sends a message that a leader’s judgment is swayed by external factors rather than guided by expertise and a deep understanding of the matter at hand.


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One of the fundamental aspects of leadership is the ability to stay true to one’s values and vision, even in the face of criticism. History is replete with examples of leaders who have weathered storms of opposition by adhering to their convictions.

I worked for three firms over the course of my career and one of these, I took decisions consistent with my own values and convictions, ultimately leading to the extinction of a core part of the role I was performing.

Furthermore, leaders are not infallible; they will make mistakes. However, how a leader handles those mistakes speaks volumes about their leadership style. Admitting errors and taking corrective action is a sign of humility and a commitment to growth. However, this process should be guided by internal reflection and analysis, not by the whims of trending tweets. A leader who alters their course due to social media pressure risks undermining their own credibility and creating a perception of indecisiveness.

It’s important to acknowledge that social media can serve as a valuable source of feedback and diverse perspectives. Leaders should be open to constructive criticism and willing to reevaluate decisions if presented with well-founded arguments. However, the key lies in distinguishing between thoughtful feedback and knee-jerk reactions. True leaders sift through the noise, extract meaningful insights, and integrate them into their decision-making process in a deliberate and measured manner.


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In Conclusion

Leadership is a complex amalgamation of experience, judgment, and the courage to stand firm in the face of adversity. Those who hold leadership roles and receive substantial compensation are entrusted with the responsibility of making decisions that shape the trajectory of their organizations. Social media, while a potent tool for communication and connection, should not serve as the primary compass guiding these decisions.

Consistency in judgment, rooted in expertise and a steadfast commitment to values, is the hallmark of effective leadership. The adage, “You are being paid to exercise judgment,” underscores the timeless truth that leadership demands a resolute course, immune to the transient currents of public opinion.

Bret’s specialty is shaping winning cultures and teams that deliver amidst volatile, uncertain and even crisis conditions.

For 30 years across 30 countries in the international banking and wealth management space, he’s run large, complex, high-growth businesses and an array of product lines while serving as Executive Director on subsidiary boards of the largest banks in two countries.

As a country and regional CEO, Bret successfully transformed ecosystems, built inclusive and diverse leadership teams, upgraded performance management systems and revamped faltering businesses to generate sustained profitability in both benign and adverse market conditions.

He has grown profitable businesses in complex regulatory jurisdictions and have applied my extensive experience delivering corporate governance requirements including the build-out of internal risk management detection systems, risk process frameworks and compliance teams, which underpins his well-established track record of building highly-engaged, productive and profitable teams.

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