Beware the 4 Emotional Intelligence Derailers
Going Off the Rails
What do you think of when you hear the term “train wreck”? Smashed trees? A broken hillside? A twisted and destroyed metal behemoth of a train? Maybe a mess that is an immense amount of work to clean up?
The saying “going off the rails” generally refers to this idea when someone or something has completely gone off course to the point of disaster.
This analogy holds true for emotional intelligence as well, where four crucial emotional intelligence derailers can lead to catastrophic outcomes. It’s imperative to acknowledge and address these derailers, as they can jeopardize your success, regardless of your proficiency in other areas.
All Aboard!
For the sake of clarity let’s define what an emotional derailer is compared to a weakness or limitation.
A weakness or limitation is a character trait that we may or may not ever make efforts to improve upon. We can still have a successful personal and work life regardless of which way we go.
A derailer is a character trait that will cause just what it describes. A disastrous “train wreck”. These are traits that we MUST deal with or risk the consequences.
The following 4 EI areas are based on the EQ-i 2.0 model of Emotional Intelligence and are considered to be derailers. Ignore them at your own risk.
How’s Your Emotional Intelligence?
Bite-Size Training From Certified Emotional Intelligence Specialist Adam Rosensweig will improve it!

Derailer #1
This EI skill, when it is at a healthy level, can be described as a person’s ability to be self-directed and free from emotional dependency. It empowers individuals to make decisions autonomously while remaining open to alternative viewpoints..This becomes a derailer when someone constantly needs the direction and approval of other people in order to take any action or make a choice. On the other extreme, they keep to themselves and never listen to anyone else.
Visualize the repercussions: leaders unable to make decisions or unwilling to heed their team’s input, resulting in a climate of fear, distrust, and disunity.
Can you sense the crash coming when no one is operating the train?
Derailer #2
Problem Solving
This EI trait can be described as a person’s ability to make decisions where emotions come into play. Which is almost always the case. This has more to do with the quality of a person’s methods of problem-solving and not necessarily the outcomes.
Imagine a person who avoids conflict or even emotionally shuts down during conflict because they don’t know what to do even though they’re actually smart enough to figure it out.
How many customers or sales will you lose when they have the right intelligence but can’t emotionally press against or solve a client’s concerns? What if your customer service representative is emotionally paralyzed and helpless to deal with your client? What if he or she isn’t able to settle the anger and frustration of an irate customer?
Do you hear the wheels screech as your biggest account is lost?
How’s Your Emotional Intelligence?
Bite-Size Training From Certified Emotional Intelligence Specialist Adam Rosensweig will improve it!

Derailer #3
Impulse Control
This is someone’s ability to pause their thoughts and feelings and control their impulses to think before they act. Someone who is healthy in this trait stops and assesses the situation and is able to filter their thoughts and behavior in a way that is balanced.
Watch in horror as your company representative does the opposite and loses their temper with a client. Watch in amazement as a leader won’t lead because they are emotionally withdrawn and won’t take risks. Feel the shock as a leader spends too much money on a whim while endangering the organization’s financial future.
Feel the heat and pressure from the explosions!
Derailer #4
Stress Tolerance
This skill is all about resiliency and certainty that a person can influence a difficult situation in a positive manner. They maintain a sense of peace and confidence in the face of pressure from ever-changing circumstances.
The opposite is a nightmare. Observe as this derailer causes someone to either lash out, procrastinate, or worse yet retreat and collapse during crisis moments.
Witness the collision as a new competitor arrives unseen with a superior product at a cheaper rate. Possibly several key people on the team resign at the worst time. Or how about a dependable supplier goes bankrupt and suddenly the supply chain is disrupted?
A sales team will not meet their numbers if they are overwhelmed by stressful situations. Leadership will fail to adapt to losing a large account. A project will get behind because a critical employee collapses from too much pressure.
Feel the tremor as the boiler explodes!
How’s Your Emotional Intelligence?
Bite-Size Training From Certified Emotional Intelligence Specialist Adam Rosensweig will improve it!

Arrive at Your Destination Safely
It gets even worse when more than one of these derailers comes into play. When I do any kind of analysis, whether it’s a team or an individual, the first thing I look at are these 4 areas.
In the final analysis, if you are in a decision-making position please pay attention to the emotions of your people! The well-being of your team and the company’s profitability is at stake. Take immediate steps to guide your locomotive to its destination.
Learn about Adam’s bite sized Emotional Intelligence training and see samples here.
An Emotional Intelligence Specialist for seven years, native Floridian Adam Rosensweig is Chief Operating Officer of RR&D Inc. He is certified in, and responsible for administering/interpreting the EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360.
Adam started RR&D in response to his wholehearted belief in, and support of, the Inglish Motivational Enhancement Method. After personally experiencing the program’s life-changing effects, he was moved to share this valuable knowledge with others. Adam works closely with Dr. Inglish, and values her as both co-worker and trusted friend.
Using emotional intelligence and motivational science, Adam and his team leverage their expertise to help individual and corporate clients reduce or eliminate internal barriers so they can be free to thrive.
Contact Information
(352) 572-0277
Header Image Credit: Anton Atanasov. Find it here.
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